Rail transport from and to China

HLI offers you all the advantages of rail transport. With our focus on the Asian market, we transport your goods on the north and south routes from and to China and we complete the logistics chain concept. We have the opportunity to be cheaper than airfreight and...

Chinese customs: New data requirements from 1 June 2018

We would like to inform you that as of June 1, 2018, additional data will be requested by Chinese Customs. This concerns shipments to mainland China. Hong Kong and Taipei are out. For all mandatory information published by the IATA format, which is aligned with the...

Special inspection procedure will be abolished on 30.06.2019

On 18.01.2019 the LBA (Luftfahrt-Bundesamt – German Federal Aviation Authority) has announced it will forbid the previous practice by which a regulated agent, under certain conditions, could employ a special inspection procedure (according to Paragraph of the...